What is the PAC? | 什么是PAC?| 什麽是PAC?| 학부모 자문위원회란?
PAC stands for Parent Advisory Council. The PAC represents parents/guardians and provides input to the school and the district about any aspect of education. The PAC encourages parent involvement in the school and provides a forum for discussion of issues related to education. The PAC also raises funds to support the school with purchases such as technology, books, and sports equipment, as well as events, field trips, and guest presentations.
PAC代表所有的家長和監護人,向學校和學區提供有關教育的各個方面的意見和建議。PAC鼓勵家長參與學校教育,為家長提供了壹個討論有關教育相關問題的平臺。同時,PAC還籌集資金,支持學校購買科技、書本、體育器材、以 及組織學生活動、實地考察、和嘉賓演講等。
학부모 자문위원회는 학부모/가디언 그리고 학교/교육청를 위해 교육적 측면의 의견을 제공하는 제공자들을 대표합니다. 학부모 자문위원회는 학교의 모든 학부모들이 참여하기를 북돋우며 교육과 관련한 이슈들의 토론의 장을 제공합니다. 또한, 학부모 자문위원회는 학교내의 테크놀로지, 책, 스포츠장비 구비, 또한 이벤트, 현장학습, 전문가 프리젠테이션을 하기 위한 기금 모금 활동을 합니다.
Please see our 4-language brochure at the school for more translated information!
As an organization, our purposes are:
To be the collective voice of parents and guardians of children at Cameron Elementary.
- To consult with parents for input into the direction and priorities of the PAC.
- To encourage parent and guardian involvement in the school.
- To promote cooperation between families, the school, and the community in providing for the education of children.
- To provide parents and guardians a forum for discussion of issues related to education.
- To assist parents and guardians in obtaining information about the school system and accessing programs and services.
- To advocate on behalf of students and parents and guardians.
- To raise funds in order to provide and support PAC and school events; learning opportunities for parents; and sports, arts, technological, and educational equipment for the benefit of all students.
- To support the educational, social, and emotional well-being of the members of the school community.
- To provide input to school and district administration and the Board of Education on any matter relating to education in the District.
- To advise and participate in the activities of the Burnaby District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) and the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC).
The PAC is governed by our Constitution and Bylaws.
Who is the PAC?
Every parent is a member of the school PAC. The PAC Executive are parents who have been elected to hold an official position in the PAC. The executive election is held at the PAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May.
When does the PAC meet?
The PAC Executive meets monthly. Every parent is welcome to attend – you can come once or all year! Please check the PAC calendar for upcoming meeting information.
Attending a PAC meeting is a great way to stay informed, provide input into fundraising initiatives and allocation, get to know the Principal and Head Teacher, raise issues or concerns, and meet other parents.
If you are unable to attend, you can stay up-to-date by reviewing the monthly meeting agendas and minutes.
How can I get involved?
You can participate in many ways; by attending any of the monthly PAC meetings, joining the PAC Executive, volunteering at PAC events throughout the year, or attending Parent Information Sessions. We value all parents’ contributions, and we understand your time is precious!
If you are interested in volunteering, please visit our Get Involved page for more information or email cameronvolunteer.pac@gmail.com. We would love to hear from you!
Why do we fundraise?
Without fundraising the PAC wouldn’t be able to give the school extra technology, sports equipment, field trips, music equipment, extra special cultural events, and emergency preparedness equipment.
Some recent PAC purchases:
- classroom projectors
- Cameron Cubs jerseys
- library books
What else does the PAC do?
The Cameron PAC is involved in many initiatives that helps make Cameron a positive, enjoyable, and safe place for the students. Some PAC initiatives include:
Student Safety
- Earthquake kits and school preparedness
- Fundraising
- Managing & distributing gaming funds
School and Community Support
- Representing Cameron at the Burnaby DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) meetings
- Organizing community and welcoming events like the back-to-school BBQ, multicultural dinner, and pancake breakfast – just to name a few!
- School greening project – the PAC is developing a plan to “green” the school grounds, including an outdoor classroom.
- Arranging guest speakers and organizing Parent Information Sessions
- Using raised and grant funds to supply items such as playground equipment, sports equipment, books, electronics, music equipment, field trips, and educational materials