Numeracy Goal

In our second spiral of inquiry focused on Math, we would like to start to refine our goals into more grade specific targets. There are still some overall focuses in our primary and intermediate groups. Both groups are still focused on improving  the Numeracy performance of all students and increasing the number of students meeting proficiency at their grade level.

Primary teachers would like to focus on strategies, games, real world challenges, and resources that further support the understanding of number sense as well as computational fluency. The focus in the early years on number and computational fluency is imperative to build a strong number sense foundation for later mathematical understanding.

Intermediates would like to focus on strategies, games, real world challenges, and resources that help address the gaps in understanding, as well as support and scaffold the diversity of abilities noticed in math groups.

TARGET: All students

SCANNING: What’s going on for your learners in relation to our goal? How are we supporting the diverse learning needs of our school population in relation to our goal?

  • Performance standards and FSA data indicate many Cameron students require more targeted and explicit instruction in numeracy
  • Diverse population with a high ELL population (65%)

WHAT DOES OUR FOCUS NEED TO BE? What evidence identifies the focus? What targeted groups are addressed? Where will concentrating our energies yield the greatest effect?

  • FSA Data, Performance Standards, Report Card data
  • Teachers identified the following areas to initially focus on:
Grades K – 5
Grade 6-9

SPECIFIC GOAL YOU ARE ADDRESSING: How does your data inform the next steps? How will students benefit academically, personally, socially?

  • We are currently investigating other forms of assessment but will rely on teacher feedback and FSA data in the meantime.

HOW AND WHERE CAN WE LEARN MORE? What professional learning has taken place and what is needed/planned? What resources and school/district supports are we using?

  • Teachers have identified a number of resources to look to for guidance:
    • Peter Liljedahl’s “Buidling Thinking Classrooms”
    • Jo Boaler’s “Mathematical Mindsets”

TAKING ACTION/WHAT ARE WE DOING DIFFERENTLY? What is your implementation plan? Roles of key stakeholders? How are all 3 tiers supported? How will your monitor progress?


Year One:

  • Refining Goal specific to grade groupings
  • Seeking support from District via workshops/in-service
  • District Workshops
  • Exploring different assessment options for the purpose of collecting data
  • Identify strategies for in-class instruction

Year Two:

  • Begin to implement in-class instructional strategies
  • Continue with workshops/in-service
  • Begin collecting data
  • Provide feedback based on data collection

Year Three:

  • Review student progress and revise interventions as needed


(universal interventions)


(targeted interventions)


(intensive interventions)

  • School wide use of common language
  • Instructional Strategies
  • In class support for numeracy by both LSS & ELL teacher
  • Identify students that require support in a small group setting (select best options for strategies, programs, groupings  for these students)
  • Multiple opportunities to use technology to enhance and assist numeracy
  • Individualized Programs
  • 1:1 support from LSS team & Education Assistants to modify/adapt lessons
  • Oral lessons (movies, voice recognition)


  • Beginning and end of year School Wide Assessment
  • Report Card Data
  • Curriculum based assessment (formative & summative)
  • School Based Team Meetings
  • IEP and IEP Review Meetings
  • Student Learning Plans
  • Year End/District Data
  • Report Cards, Performance Standards
  • FSA Data

CHECKING: Have we made enough of a difference? Feedback, data collection, data sharing, data analysis. How is the data informing/modifying practice? What has changed for our target groups?

NEXT STEPS: What requires further attention? Where to next?

Math Videos & Resources: